About Us
The History of Topkote™ Products by Sumter Coatings, Inc.
Topkote™ started in 1989 as a full-service reglazing and remodeling company. Over the years, our business has grown and expanded consistently, something we are very proud of.
As we grew, we came to realize we were contending with the many failures of our competitors, leaving the consumer leary of investing in a reglazing process.
We became aware of the need for a non-failure process, resulting in the successful and proven TOPKOTE™ REGLAZING SYSTEM. This system is specifically designed for reglazing and includes a safe, quick cleaner, a proprietary adhesive called Crosslink III, and a truly high performance, high solids, high gloss durable coating. Unlike many of our competitors’ products, no acid etching is needed. Our system is easy to learn, fast to use and 100% reliable.

In 2013, we joined our primary manufacturer, Sumter Coatings, Inc., located in Sumter, SC. This allows us onsite research, product development, technical assistance, and direct shipping, thereby allowing us to offer our customers the best service and support in the industry.
Our line of materials, supplies and equipment provide you, the professional reglazer, what you need to make your job easier, safer and more profitable.
We offer you the tools you need for success, but we don’t stop there. We take it one step further by offering you the opportunity to speak directly with someone who has experience doing exactly what you are doing in the field every day because we realize our success is tied directly to your success; therefore, we are here to help.